M/SOS Workshop Documents
see also: Workshop Foundation Reading Materials

M/SOS, 10 / 2001 session, at haus.0 in the Künstlerhaus Stuttgart
participants shown: Constanze Ruhm, Rainer Kirberg, Stevan Vukovic

6 / 2001 M/SOS Session Participants:
Stevan Vukovic (YU) Rainer Kirberg (D) Constanze Ruhm (A) Norman Klein (USA) Zoran Eric (YU) Fareed Armaly (USA)

10 / 2001 M/SOS Session Participants:
Stevan Vukovic (YU) Rainer Kirberg (D) Constanze Ruhm (A)
Fareed Armaly (USA)

Transcripts of Session
This workshop was the first one in the ongoing series of the M/SOS project. The focus is on notions of scripting a dialog-based process through the agency of the play Marat/Sade by Peter Weiss. This process is structured as a performative scenario within a precise framework. The material discussed over the course of the workshop day is - as a specific point within the process - transcribed directly to the computer.

Three Diagrams
Drawn out of the Workshop Discourse
Stevan Vukovic

Serbian Social Space of the 90s
Art as the Critical Reflection of the Public Sphere in Serbia during the 90’s

Stevan Vukovic
Talk given for the event of the first M/SOS session, "Halluzinationer"

Marat/Sade (Peter Weiss, 1963)
Analysis of the playin relation to the M/SOS workshop criteria
Rainer Kirberg

(12 charts in sequence)

still from the film Marat/Sade (1967) Dir.Peter Brook

still from the film Marat/Sade (1967) Dir.Peter Brook

M/SOS Session, 6 / 2001 at haus.0 in Künstlerhaus Stuttgart
Participants shown: Stevan Vukovic, Rainer Kirberg, Zoran Eric
